La Toile

Logo of La Toile website

Date : 08/01/2023

Reading time : 2 Minutes

Description : Our site "La Toile" allows visitors to browse a virtual gallery of digital images by moving from one room (represented by an underground stop) to another. Created in 48 hours in a team of 7 using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, "La Toile" presents a list of digital artworks in each room.

Project categories :

Find the project on : GitHub

Project members :

I/ Explore “La Toile”, our virtual exposition created in 48 hours

This is our latest university project: “La Toile “, a virtual exhibition of digital images. We chose to represent this exhibition in the form of the Paris metro, with each room representing a metro stop. Our goal was to create this site in only 48 hours and we are proud to have successfully overcome this challenge!

II/ A virtual exhibition of thematic rooms

" La Toile " allows visitors to browse a virtual gallery by moving from one room to another. In each room, visitors can view a list of digital artworks. We have created several thematic rooms, such as “Pixel Art”, which is dedicated to art derived from the pixel cubes of the 90s, or “AI Work”, which presents the best Artificial Intelligence artists and their works. We also have a “3D Rendering” room, which presents the most immersive artworks created with 3D, and a “Flat Pattern” room, which presents 2D design.


III/ An interactive room to encourage visitor engagement

We also included a room where logged-in visitors can add digital art of their choice. We wanted to encourage interaction and engagement with our readers. Anonymous visitors can view the entire site, but cannot ’like’ images or post comments.

IV/ Critical review

In only 48 hours, we did not have time to do everything. Some problems still persist such as :

  • Authentification
  • Routs
  • Responsive
  • Small details

We will therefore complete the project during 2023 to correct these problems and have a site as we had imagined it!

Of course, a “48h” branch will be created to keep track of our performance.

V/ More about “La Toile”

You can read more about this project in our LinkedIn article (French), published here: Découvrez notre exposition d’art numérique 100% française : “La Toile​”.

We hope you enjoy your visit to " La Toile " and please feel free to send us your comments.