Logo of 'SWERC' event

Edition : 2023

Reading time : 2 Minutes

Description : SWERC is an international programming competition that brings together the best and brightest teams from the southwestern region of Europe to solve complex problems in a limited time.

Discover the event on : Official website - Youtube

The 2023 edition of SWERC took place in Milan, Italy! We were 120 teams in competition.

Project members :

I/ How did I discover this competition?

During my computer science degree at the IUT of Lens, there were occasional SAE (Situation of Apprentice and Evaluation). In semester 3, our teacher decided to realize a small algorithmic competition between the different students of the promotion. This one was based on the same codes / constraints as the original competition, i.e. the SWERC.

So, at the end of this mini-competition, he announced that we could make 1 team to participate in SWERC!

So we accepted the challenge, and agreed to represent our IUT!

II/ SWERC’s objective

Our goal in the competition is to solve as many problems as possible in 5 hours!

During this edition there were 12 problems to solve. Problems (not sorted) whose order of difficulty increases exponentially!

III/ A competition under constraints

The first particularity of SWERC is that we have, during these 5 hours, no access to internet. However, we have the right to a 20-page paper memo.

Then, second particularity: only 1 computer per team!

IV/ Review

It was a really interesting and enriching experience!

I was able to meet a lot of people, to acquire new automatisms in particular to think about a given problem, or to deepen my knowledge of the Python programming language.